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    u1169006's This is the Police (PC)

    [September 1, 2018 01:42:19 AM]
    After progressing further in the game, I have had several officers who were killed. Every time it happens, it is always very sudden and with no explanation or aftermath. The game makes the death of an officer seem trivial. And not just for officers, but for civilians as well. The game often forces me to make ethical decisions of who to kill or save without showing the actual situation or who the suspect is. The game presents situations too ambiguously to properly make life or death decisions. The majority of the time, I went for the more violent choice. Death seemed meaningless because of the lack of emotional connection to each crime. It seems the developers did this intentionally, as a real-life police chief would probably also have to make decisions like this. It really made me question how I would act as a real-life police chief.
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    [September 1, 2018 12:49:36 AM]
    After completing more levels in the game, I have been faced with even tougher moral decisions. There have been two occasions when the game has made me choose between killing a suspect or trying to defuse the situation. During the first situation, I tried to calm the criminal down but my two officers got killed instead. When the next crime gave me similar choices, I instantly chose to kill the criminal instantly. That crime ended with no officers or civilians harmed. While the game still gave me the choice to try and talk to the criminal, I felt the need to go with a more aggressive and violent option. The game punished my more diplomatic solution to the first crime and therefore affected the outcome of my future decisions.
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    u1169006's This is the Police (PC)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Wednesday 29 August, 2018

    u1169006's opinion and rating for this game

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