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    Marcellano's This is the Police (PC)

    [September 27, 2018 10:22:52 PM]
    Really enjoying this game! I am now well over 3-4 hours in, and the story just gets better and better! A new character has just been introduced to the main story, a man named Vargas. He is the leader of another mafia/crime organization. He is competing with the Sands, the mafia group I was helping before. But, he seems like a slightly cooler guy so I have now decided to help him, and get rid of the Sands. With two mafia/crime organizations in the city, there has been a lot more crime, and I have been made to choose to help one group or the other. To make things a little more complicated, smaller criminals are starting to do bigger and bigger criminal activities. Not only was there a man trying to commit suicide on the bridge but there were 5 armed mean with automatic weapons killing people at the docs and the two major mafia groups going at it, all at the same time! I had just lost 3 officers for questioning, whatever the purpose for that may be. And it was really hard to spread out my remaining officers to all the areas.
    Not only am I now short on officers, and overwhelmed with criminal activity at multiple points in the city. I now have to please the mayor, and have my police force, detectives and officers, at least half be female. I have a 3 day deadline, which will come before I can ask the mayor for a favor, such as adding another slot to hire officers, or get a pay increase. Which would help a lot, but that is not going to happen. This will be an interesting couple of in-game days to see how it all pans out, and changes the story.
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    [September 26, 2018 09:16:43 PM]
    After playing for about another 2 hours, the game has become much harder and more complicated. Not only do I have to satisfy the people of the city. I also have to satisfy the Mayor. And if he is not satisfied then he can do things such as, take a cut out of my salary, or reduce the amount of officers I can have. Which have both happened to me so far. So now not only am I down some officers, I am also making less money. But, on top of all that, I also now have to satisfy the Mafia, which is becoming quite a difficult situation. The Mafia and the Mayor seem to have some conflicting interests and the Mafia is just a wild card. They go from small crimes, that do not matter too much to stop, to killing people and robbing casinos. I have had to stop one of their jobs because they have been getting a little out of control and now they are upset with me.
    Not only does the game give you harder decisions to make, and more groups to satisfy, there are also political issues you have to handle as well. The biggest one is blacks. There has been a lot of violence with black people and the people asked to fire all of my black officers recently or they would riot. I did not fire any of them, and the Mayor became unsatisfied with me. And now the Mayor seems to be turning into a bit of a racist, not allowing blacks at certain meetings and so forth, so I have been not focusing on his matters as much anymore, although he is cutting my money and officers available.
    The story is definitely getting more interesting now with all of the conflicts going on, and the game play is getting much more complex. The game is now quite challenging as well, which makes it more enjoyable and adds a lot more stress on the decisions I have to make.
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    [September 25, 2018 10:13:05 PM]
    The game overall is pretty fun! I like the soundtrack, and the option to choose what song plays while you take calls. The game really focuses on story a lot, which is actually fairly interesting so far. There seems to be some sketchy stuff going on at the station, from the "cinematics" i've seen. They're more like comic strips, but with some animations and dialogue. The game play is very simple and not too complex yet, but there appears to be many things I have not unlocked yet. With how much depth the main story has, I assume the game play will also have a lot of depth to it as well.
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    Marcellano's This is the Police (PC)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Tuesday 25 September, 2018

    Marcellano's opinion and rating for this game

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