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    u1046618's A Mortician's Tale (PC)

    [September 27, 2018 10:42:55 PM]
    09/27/18 - 9:30

    Ok, well...I finished...

    Idk how I should really proceed given that it only took me an hour to finish the entire game, but here we go I guess.

    So at the start of the session I was given the first (and apparently last) real choice in the game. The choice of whether or not to perform preparations for a family that was purposefully disregarding the wishes of the deceased. I chose not to, but I will likely go back and see what dialogue the family would have at the funeral so I can (if not just for the achievement) get a full picture.

    Following this we are introduced to the defacto villain, a big funeral corporation. Ah how I love games with as much disdain for corporations as I do. They obviously purchase the funeral home and impose new restrictions.

    There was this moment about halfway through the session that, while nothing really happened during it, just made me pause for a solid minute. The corporation had gotten permission to cremate unclaimed bodies (for some reason or another idk) and so I was preparing the body of a homeless man. I finished up and went out to the "funeral". I don't know if it actually happened or not, but the music might as well have just cut out entirely. The room that I had been acquainted with as being filled with people every time I saw it was stark and empty. I just kind of stood there paralyzed for, as I said, a solid minute.

    So eventually the game ends with me and my coworker quitting, though he beats us to it, and each of us finding new jobs. He gets to be a bus driver, and I get to open a funeral home specializing in green burials.

    That's it though. That's what the game ends with. I'm actually very disappointing. They had a great opportunity to make a stellar business management game, but I guess the devs didn't have a very large team/budget???
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    [September 27, 2018 09:58:07 PM]
    09/24/18 - 7 PM

    On first launch of Mortician's Tale its soundtrack gave me a unique vibe. It reverberates through your speakers and makes you rethink what this game might be about. First impressions of the simple controls led me to believe that this game was going to be more pensive than argumentative and my overall first experience supported that idea. The story is told through text in the form of emails the player receives from their employer, coworker, friend, and internet newsletter subscription. So far these have lightly touched on topics relevant to modern society including LGBTQ issues, environmental responsibility and cultural awareness.
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    u1046618's A Mortician's Tale (PC)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Monday 24 September, 2018

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