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    ryancornellier's This is the police (PC)

    [November 7, 2018 11:31:58 AM]
    For my second hour, I ran into several issues. The game definitely got more difficult!

    Firstly, I was informed by City Hall that I would have to lay off all my black cops due to rising racial tensions in the city. This felt uncomfortable to me for two reasons: 1) some of my best officers were black. Letting them go would be I'd have to hire a lot of new people, whose professionalism wouldn't be as high due to their inexperience. It'd be a huge hassle for me, especially since some of my black cops have stripes. 2) I just don't want to! After listening to the rationale behind firing the cops, I just wasn't convinced. While I understand these rising tensions were certainly significant, I didn't think it should be something that should effect the police force. Additionally, I'd have to fire them illegally, as I can't fire them on a poor performance or poor conduct basis. I ultimately chose to keep them, but they were less effective (probably due to distrust from the citizenry), and I received some flack from City Hall because of it.

    This was the first time in this game that I felt uncomfortable. I felt that pursuing what I knew was right was the best way to go, but I was punished for my decision as a result. While I didn't think either choice was without their misgivings, I almost felt like I was being shamed for my actions. This really made me reflect on how police officers (especially white police officers) are received by communities of color. This may have been one of the hardest decisions I've had to make in a long time.
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    [November 6, 2018 11:38:37 PM]
    This Is The Police is very interesting, having the player take control of a seasoned policeman who manages his team of officers to keep peace in the city. There's a lot of storytelling going on, which almost eclipses the game play in the beginning, but I thought it set the tone well and introduced all the pertinent names pretty efficiently.

    I really love strategy and resource management games, so I was having a blast dispatching my officers to different crime scenes, managing their schedules, and recognizing their talents when appropriate. The game starts out very simple, where the player always has enough officers at their disposal to handle any given call, even if they send their worst guys. However, each officer has their own personality and story, and just when I felt that things were going so smoothly, my best officer quit! Its these unexpected moments that keeps the player on their toes, and why This Is The Police is such an interesting game. The player can use the officer's professionalism score to somewhat gauge their reliability, but ultimately even the best officers can fail under harsh circumstances. It really forces the player to consider even minor decisions, where a wrong decision can mean the death of an officer.

    I really enjoyed the game so far, and I look forward the gradually raising difficulty curve. I think this game definitely has a lot to consider when it comes down to writing my essay, so I'm looking forward to what it has in store for me.
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    ryancornellier's This is the police (PC)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Tuesday 6 November, 2018

    ryancornellier's opinion and rating for this game

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