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    u1046618's Little Nightmares (PC)

    [November 8, 2018 08:37:24 PM]
    Hey wtf, gamelog deleted one of my logs... well here is the recreation from scratch:

    Uhhh something about me forgetting to write about a toy room where you die if you play with the toys because of time constraints. Uhhhhh.... that's literally all I can remember. Goddammit gamelog. I already wrote about the kid who gave me food, oh! I got captured after a second fit of hunger pains / insatiable cravings. They're using small dudes like me for something, and there are a disturbing number of leather products.
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    [November 8, 2018 08:33:23 PM]
    Did some more crawling around, the long arm guy has a figure collection with a lot of the little mannequin dudes artists use for sketching. Had a game crash and spent 10 minutes stuck before looking up a text guide. No new revelations about the game though.
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    [November 8, 2018 07:24:50 PM]
    So, obviously a spooky game, its labeled as horror I'm pretty sure. During the first session I've seen leeches, babies with glowing eyes, an eye that turns me to dust, a big clown with very long arms, etc. There were a few interesting things too, like a hungry child that fed me instead of himself, the little triangle dudes that are scurrying around, and the figure in the intro that definitely isn't supposed to be a mother. Other than that, no real insight yet.
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    u1046618's Little Nightmares (PC)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Tuesday 6 November, 2018

    u1046618's opinion and rating for this game

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