dkirschner's Destiny 2 (PC)
[October 29, 2019 10:21:35 PM]
I am surprised by how much this feels like World of Warcraft. I knew Destiny had raids, but I didn’t know to what extent its quests, NPCs, factions, reputation, crafting, gear score, public events, and all the rest felt like the fantasy MMORPGs I used to love. I suppose in the near-decade that I’ve been away from them, MMORPG elements have seeped into a lot more online games.
Playing Destiny was like a cross between WoW and Borderlands for me. You create a character from one of three classes and are dropped into a city hub. Take your quests and go to the world map to choose among various PvE zones and PvP locales. The main quest that I had planned on following to completion (which is supposed to be the “single player” portion of the game) just kept moving an item score benchmark up and up. Reach item score 750. Reach item score 760. And so on until at least item score 800 when I figured I’d gotten the gist of Destiny.
I noticed that in Destiny, in general chat or my sample of groups, no one talks. No one said a word to me or in any chat I was in. Not once in 6 hours! I wonder why exactly that is in Destiny. Part of it is that you don’t need anyone else to help you do anything except the dungeons, and those are easy enough at this level that you don’t need to communicate. But what kind of community does Destiny have? Not sure!
Some old MMO habits remained, such as sprinting as fast as I can through mobs to get to a quest item or location. Ignoring mobs whenever possible is really efficient. I also started skimming quest text because, wow, the story is so unimportant to anything I was doing. Playing an MMO got me right back in the grind mind(set). Collect the quests, track the quests, complete the quests, turn in the quests, collect more quests, track the quests, etc. Get better gear, clean out my inventory, loot better gear, clean out my inventory, etc.
These loops are part of why I quit playing WoW. I finally began to feel like the hamster running on the wheel. Now it’s really obvious to me when there are wheels in my games. I mean, there are wheels in most games, but MMO wheels are special. You can see them spinning years into the future. What a genre nostalgia trip.
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dkirschner's Destiny 2 (PC)
Current Status: Stopped playing - Got Bored
GameLog started on: Wednesday 23 October, 2019
GameLog closed on: Tuesday 29 October, 2019 |
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