Merde's Soul Caliber III (PS2)
[January 19, 2007 03:55:16 AM]
Today I played some more Soul Caliber III, but this time I played on single player mode for a while before my friend came home. I can honestly say I did not like it very much. It was boring. And the computer was really easy to beat.
I did like that you could watch videos of moves, and then practice them yourself. That helped me a lot. I think my favorite character, besides just choosing a random character, is Ivy simply because of her sword/whip thing has so many bad-ass moves that are really fun to do!
So when my friend came home, I kicked his ass. Thanks to my practicing. And it was even more fun, because I got to gloat a lot.
I really don't know a lot about the logistics of the game, or how the graphics are important to it's console or to this day and age, but maybe I'll look it up more tomorrow before the deadline, and then write another blog.
But I can say... two thumbs up on Soul Caliber III. It is definitely better than what I grew up playing. Mortal Kombat, and Street Fighter. Both excellent games, but not as many moves, that I can remember at least, and the graphics aren't as good as Soul Caliber. So I definitely appreciate that.
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[January 18, 2007 03:59:06 AM]
Today I started playing Soul Calliber III with my friend. It was the second time in my life that I have played and, well... I kicked his ass. But only because he was going easy on me and letting me learn moves, and teaching me moves. But once I got a move, I really got it. And I would use it to the fullest extent. Whenever I learn a new move, I use it over and over until I get bored of it and want to learn a new one. Which is bad, because it makes it very predictable and easy to block, if it's a move that can be blocked. The move I use most often is a throw. But luckily both the friends I played with today, are really bad at blocking throws. And I get lucky and can turn their throws around on them. I forgot the name of those moves, but I can do it. And then I laugh at them, because they can't.
I really like the graphics on the game, and I must say, I love that you can choose a "Random Creation." It's my favorite. I almost always play a random creation because I think it makes it more fun and interesting. I like to learn all the different combos of buttons to push and the timing that is involved in using them to fully execute a move correctly. It's challenging, and really fun. And when I execute a difficult move, whether or not I actually mean to, I get to laugh at my friends for losting to a beginner.
I guess I'll write more on it tomorrow or Friday morning after I play for another hour or two. It's definitely a game I could play for hours and hours.
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Merde's Soul Caliber III (PS2)
Current Status: Playing
GameLog started on: Wednesday 17 January, 2007