jhjohnso's Super Mario Bros. 3 (NES)
[January 18, 2007 09:36:22 PM]
After playing Super Mario Bros. 3 for another hour. I still feel that this game is not made for my tastes. For me, it is not exciting enough. every leve: Same old, same old. Once again, I would get bored and try and run through the whole level. Which usually resulted in a quick death. Yet i guess it can be done. Because some guy ( http://youtube.com/watch?v=mn0hY56FbLs ) was able to beat the entire game in 11 minutes. Although I felt that the game was boring. As I progressed into the third world, It started to get more interesting. With more challanges. But I like a game that is intersting right off the bat, and you dont have to wait until the third world, before it is enjoyable.
I can see how Super Mario Bros. 3 is a classic. At the time it was the best game out, and the most thrilling today. I bet if I was writing this when it first came out, this blog would be much different. Because I have played games that are coming out today, that in my mind, are much, much better than Super Mario Bros. 3, I have a bias against it. Yet I can see how, at the time, it was unreal. In fact I even remember playing it as a kid and having a much more enjoyable experience.
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[January 18, 2007 02:57:58 PM]
This week I have been playing Super Mario Bros. 3 on NES. This game is a 'classic' as most likely everyone, and they're Grandma, have heard about it. I havn't played this game for a few years now. I remember as a kid I loved this game. The first thing I noticed, starting to play again, is that I don't think I am patient enough for this game. Most of the time I would just press the 'run' butten and see how long I could go without dying, when it is obvious that this would not be the best tactic. Ocassionaly I would try and do the level correctly, hitting all the coins and killing all the objects in my way. I just found this kind of boring. I can see how this would be lots of fun for someone younger than me though. I think as you get older, you need more excitement. Unofrtunatly, this doesn't do it for me. One thing I do like abou the game is the simplicity, compared to games coming out today. The levels are simple and it is obvious where to go. to the right of the screen, until the level ends. This is one aspect of Super Mario Bros. I really like. Although it has the two player option, it isn't really that enjoyable. There is no direct competion between players.
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jhjohnso's Super Mario Bros. 3 (NES)
Current Status: Playing
GameLog started on: Tuesday 16 January, 2007