dkirschner's Undertale (PC)
[April 12, 2021 12:07:01 PM]
Oops, I forgot to write anything for Undertale! I finished this months ago after I beat Earthbound. Man, it's been so long...okay, what I remember most is that the first half was way better than the second half. It started off hilarious but wore out its welcome by the end. The parodying of old RPGs is wonderfully done: enemies that care if you kill them; a story where monsters aren't all bad; the option to talk your way through the entire game; a wonderful tutorial with "Toriel" holding your hand so hard.
Ultimately, I think I'll just remember Undertale for being supremely clever and pretty funny. But in the end, like I said, it went on for too long and started to feel like any other old RPG.
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dkirschner's Undertale (PC)
Current Status: Finished playing
GameLog started on: Friday 19 February, 2021
GameLog closed on: Tuesday 23 February, 2021 |