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    Sup3rCondor's Control (XBONE)

    [July 30, 2021 07:41:44 AM]
    Remedy Entertainment is one of my favorite game developers in the world. From Allen Wake, to Quantum Break (unintentional rhyme) their games are always unique and fun. They stand out a lot among other big budget single player games. They hay have a style that they put into every game they make. Sam Lake writes complex and interesting narratives for all of their games. I'd say he's basically the Christopher Nolan of the video games industry. Control has all of these things. One could even say they are all at their best in the game.

    There are so many things that I like about Control. The graphics and art style are top notch, the gameplay/combat is endlessly fun, and the story had me locked in. There are a number of fun, likable, diverse characters. The puzzles are simple, but engaging. There really isn't much negative I can say about the game.

    The side quest design is great. I never really found myself doing the same thing twice. The world is semi-open and feels like a 3D metroid-vania. There are all kinds of areas to explore and secrets to find.

    My biggest gripe with Control is some of the enemy design isn't very strong. There are a couple of enemies that just aren't as fun to fight. Specifically the suicide enemies who explode when the get close to the player, and the rocket troopers who don't have a lot of health, but always seem to sneak up in the middle of big battles to launch heavy damage dealing rockets at the player. I found myself more frustrated than enjoying fighting them. However, this frustration did fade as the game went on and I got stronger.

    Everyone should play this game. It's the best game that Remedy has made. It's on gamepass, so anyone with an Xbox or gaming PC has not excuse for not playing it!
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    Sup3rCondor's Control (XBONE)

    Current Status: Finished playing

    GameLog started on: Saturday 24 July, 2021

    GameLog closed on: Friday 30 July, 2021

    Sup3rCondor's opinion and rating for this game

    The best game that Remedy has made.

    Rating (out of 5):starstarstarstarstar

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