jp's Escape the Museum (DS)
[May 3, 2022 07:05:14 PM]
It's a hidden-object + simple puzzles adventure game.
There's some story - you're literally trying to escape a museum (and rescue your daughter along the way) while the husband is outside trying to get to you. There's been an earthquake or something like that, so there really is broader state of emergency going on. I'm guessing that the protagonists' gender says a lot about the target audience. It is my understanding that hidden-object/mystery puzzle games were really popular with women. So yay!
I'm guessing that this is just a DS port of an earlier PC game - this might explain why some of the pictures seem really grain, making it hard to find/pick out the items. That being said, the hint system did prove useful and I was intrigued enough by the game to finish it, even if I did not go back to earlier levels to do them (some had new unlocked levels to play, these I mostly skipped).
Perhaps the most amusing thing is that the back of the box says that "basic reading ability is needed to fully enjoy this game". This is actually pretty useful - at least in the context of my having sometimes bought foreign-to-me language games were it would have been nice to know how language-dependent the game was. That being said, if that note was in a language I can't read, it wouldn't be of much use.
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jp's Escape the Museum (DS)
Current Status: Finished playing
GameLog started on: Saturday 23 April, 2022
GameLog closed on: Tuesday 3 May, 2022 |
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