I<3Aladdin's Soul Calibur III (PS2)
[January 19, 2007 01:08:23 AM]
Voldo is by far my favorite character of this game. After an hour of play, losing ALOT, and re-trying countlessly, Voldo was victorious. Unpredictable and versatile with moves that are powerful and fun to watch, Voldo's defense AND offense are nearly impossible to break. Even without special moves, Voldo is a great character. However, add more to traditional strategies and you are in for a show. My personal favorite strategy is to stay low to the ground and execute the Blind Dive Charged. Useful for pushing opponents off of edges, I have found the this move is nearly unblockable (although Nightmare came close on one occasion) and equally entertaining. Combat games should be challenging but eye catching as well, and, personally, Soul Calibur III has definately captured that.
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[January 19, 2007 12:51:08 AM]
Overall, Soul Calibur III is an excellent game. All characters are well developed, each with their own special abilities and faults as well. However, personally, Voldo is the dominator. So far, I have been most successful using him as a character. Desgin wise, I feel the story-line based combat experiences as well as the prizes and unlocked items that come with each victory suit the game well. Each level is challenging enough, not moving too quickly from easy to harder opponents (so far). The conflict varies with each character and subsequent storyline keeping the player interested because each game is different from the last. Also, whilst playing the game, each character and therefore player is given the possibility of choosing a "path" to take with each option resulting in a different opponent, storyline etc. There arent many social interactions in the game aside from the cut scenes ( which are enjoyable) and small competitive dialogue between opponents before each battle (which were at times annoying, especially when the player is into the game). So far, this game is indeed a good one.
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I<3Aladdin's Soul Calibur III (PS2)
Current Status: Playing
GameLog started on: Friday 19 January, 2007