dkirschner's Shadow Tactics: Aiko's Choice (PC)
[February 10, 2023 09:50:56 AM]
This is an expansion to Blades of the Shogun, short and sweet. It explores a story that happened before the final mission of Blades of the Shogun relating to Aiko's past. It adds 6 new levels (though only 3 were big ones, while the other 3 were like "in-between" missions and an epilogue). Between the missions was great variety of setting and strategy required. No new gameplay mechanics were added. The difficulty picks up where it was toward the end of Blades of the Shogun, and it took a couple levels to get back into the swing of the game, to remember all the mechanics. But once I got comfortable with it again, I started having a lot of fun. Unlike the base game, where I got stuck on the last level, I beat this one. It was definitely not as hard. Or, perhaps I am better since playing Desperados III. The tension of setting up moves in shadow mode is strong and the satisfaction when you pull off a feat of synchronicity is immense. I love the feeling of identifying a potential solution to the puzzle, setting it up, and letting it rip. Aiko's titular choice comes in the epilogue, which is (bitter)sweet depending on what you do. I teared up a little bit. The story adds depth to Aiko and Mugen, and all the characters are as good as ever. I saw recently that Mimimi is releasing a new game with pirates this year. I'm ready for it! Mimimi's tactics games are among the best I've ever played.
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dkirschner's Shadow Tactics: Aiko's Choice (PC)
Current Status: Finished playing
GameLog started on: Monday 6 February, 2023
GameLog closed on: Friday 10 February, 2023 |
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