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    cires13's Soul Calibur III (PS2)

    [January 19, 2007 01:17:51 AM]
    For the next hour playing Soul Calibur 3 versus mode I used Voldo and some of the new characters in the game. Voldo was actually one of my better characters from the previous game, however, trying to use him with the PS2 controller was a whole different experience. I used to know most of his move set but with this different controller I couldn’t use most of my favorite moves due to the odd placement of buttons. Because of this, I wasn’t able to easily initiate the lunge or easily change his stance. This made the game irritating especially since I already get beat by my roommate Adam a lot. Playing as the guy with the scythe was fun however. I was able to beat my friend Laurens Talim pretty easily and one of the rounds I just kicked her off the stage which felt good. Overall the experience was fun because in Soul Calibur most of the characters are unique and are quite different to play.
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    [January 19, 2007 01:03:02 AM]
    For the first part of this gaming session I spent most of my time playing as Yun Seung since he was my favorite character from the previous Soul Calibur games. In this third installment it seems that they have tweaked his move set a bit. For starters, his kicks seemed to be a bit more powerful than in the previous game which is a plus for me since now it actually gives me a reason to use them more. There is also the fact that I’m not as accustomed to playing Soul Calibur 3 for the PS2 since I played the previous one for the Gamecube. Because of the difference in controller setup, it was harder for me to use my old tactics from number 2 since my mind isn’t adjusted for a PS2 controller with this game. Other than this the experience is very similar to the previous but with some more perks to the character.
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    cires13's Soul Calibur III (PS2)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Friday 19 January, 2007

    cires13's opinion and rating for this game

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