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    jp's Wargroove (PC)

    [October 26, 2023 11:29:53 PM]
    I really did want to like this game more than I did in the end. I'm not sure what it was - the writing? the level design? Or, maybe, I'm just not "there" for games like this? I even wonder if this game was "too much" for me (too many units and different kinds of things). I did think the "tutorial" was taking way too long to get to some interesting stuff...but again, maybe I'm just being impatient here.
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    [April 9, 2023 05:43:56 PM]
    I really enjoyed Advance Wars back in the day so I was intrigued when this game was described as a spiritual successor (of sorts? it's a fantasy-themed game, so different in that sense at least). It really is similar but, for now, the differences are getting in the way of my "properly" enjoying the game. For example, taking over buildings works differently here - in Advance Wars you unit's health is subtracted from the health of the building (20) and that's how long it will take you to capture. It doesn't work like that in Wargroove. Here, you can also heal by reducing strength from a building - which is also different from Advance Wars.

    There's lots of other little things like that. So, the experience has been less than optimal so far but it's mostly because (1) new units are handed out too slowly for my taste and (2) I've been playing the game as if it was a clone of Advance Wars - and it's close but not quite the same so sometimes I do things poorly with a unit because I think I know how it works, but I'm wrong. Stuff like that.

    Overall though - I am interested in playing some more, just to see how much more interesting it gets once I have new units out and so on.
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    jp's Wargroove (PC)

    Current Status: Stopped playing - Something better came along

    GameLog started on: Saturday 4 February, 2023

    GameLog closed on: Thursday 26 October, 2023

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    Rating (out of 5):starstarstarstarstar

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