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    Jubry's Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster (PC)

    [April 18, 2023 07:17:53 AM]
    I've made so many attempts to 100% this game, on multiple systems, but have failed every time. Furthest I got was when I played it around 2012 and got 99%... Yeah, that felt bad.

    Gonna try it again today. But spent so much time setting this up and making the decision to actually go for it again. So all I'm going to do now today is to do the system settings, and maybe later today do the intro-portions of the game, which I've done so many times I could do it in my dreams.

    If anyone is reading this, feel free to comment, ask questions, etc. Who knows, it might motivate me more to actually finish this emotional journey! ^^'
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    Jubry's Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster (PC)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Tuesday 18 April, 2023

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