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    jp's My Friends (DS)

    [June 7, 2023 12:37:32 PM]
    This is a strange game. You have a character, it exists in a flat environment (sort of iso-2D), there are other characters, you make friends with them by gifting stuff (I think), you can play games with them and - hopefully/eventually unlock more games and new environments. I only saw the first environment, played tag (the first game) and unlocked fox and geese.

    What's strangest is thinking that, perhaps, for some kids, they might have learned about traditional children's playground games from this videogame? (not tag, but fox and geese?). Isn't that weird?

    The games most notable features are probably that it allowed for multi-play across different DS devices? Another surprisingly under-rated feature of the DS in my opinion.
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    jp's My Friends (DS)

    Current Status: Stopped playing - Got Bored

    GameLog started on: Monday 5 June, 2023

    GameLog closed on: Wednesday 7 June, 2023

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