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    jp's Turn It Around (DS)

    [June 14, 2023 11:38:09 PM]
    What a weird little game.

    It's a collection of mini-games you can play either one at a time or in a marathon-campaign (play them all for a overall score/ranking) where each mini-game's gameplay is driven by drawing circles on the touch screen. In some games it's frantic drawing, others are slower and require more precision, and so on. But, you're always physically doing the same thing (at most there might be a separate button to press - from what I played).

    What is really neat is that each mini-game is super different from the next in terms of theme and presentation and goal. Even though you're always doing circles... it's like Warioware in that sense. Fewer minigames, and they last longer, and they all have the same interaction - but thematically all over the place: keep a businessman straight in a train car that turns sharply, do spins/acrobatics as a skateboarder in a half-pipe, spin characters who are wrapped in clothes/fabric to remove the clothes/fabric, rotate a bubble-bobble cannon to shoot bubbles at enemies, rotate a sushi conveyor belt so the patrons get what they want to eat, and so on. They're all really wild, different, wacky, and fun....

    ...and I sucked at most of them. The first game I played I scored 1st place - it was all downhill from there getting mediocre ratings (that are shown as insults) on pretty much everything else.
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    jp's Turn It Around (DS)

    Current Status: Stopped playing - Something better came along

    GameLog started on: Monday 12 June, 2023

    GameLog closed on: Wednesday 5 July, 2023

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