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    jp's The Princess and the Frog (DS)

    [July 5, 2023 07:11:33 AM]
    It's based on the Disney animated movie, so I was half expecting something lame.

    It's not lame! It' actually pretty good, with lots of variety in gameplay and a super smooth learning curve for the game's 2D platforming and movement mechanics. I did start to get a bit tired of the repetition, but I'm - again - surprised by how much Disney was pushing it's Disney meta-game service (you get bonus unlocks in this game for the meta-service whose name I forget now AND for also linking up with the Wii version of this game!!).

    Things I enjoyed/thought were interesting

    (a) There's a music mini-game that's very much DDR style - falling notes, but wider than just DDR's four. BUT - you can do whatever you want since (the game explains) it's jazz music and improvising is part of jazz so follow the dropping notes if you want or make your own tunes!

    (b) Cooking is a big part of the game - NPCs often ask you to cook stuff for them and you spend time in some levels hunting down ingredients. The cooking itself has three mechanics (regardless of the recipe, though the visuals are different - even if everything is in a pot). You stir the pot in a direction, you drag ingredients into the pot from a ladle/cup, and you blow into the microphone to cool things down when the temperature of the pot gets too hot (there's a meter that fill up). The game's extras also have real recipes you can learn/cook as well! (real recipes for the things you've cooked in the game)

    (c) I think the game generally follows the movie's plot? It's been a long time since I say the movie...and I'd forgotten how much the story was about a strong, independent, and competent female protagonist (who is not a princess) and the idiot guy - who if I recall eventually becomes the love interest?

    (d) The platforming is interesting in that they game introduces new stuff via a lightning bug that has different powers you toggle between. One zaps enemies turning them into platforms, or bouncy-things on the ground. There's even a blow in the mic mechanic! (clear cobwebs for NPCs).

    Anyways, I don't think I'll finish but I did get 1/3 of the way through (completed the first chapter). Lots of collectibles too - many related to the Disney meta-service...

    I really wonder how successful that was for Disney? It feels strange to see links to the service and wonder if it failed because it was too early? What with everything metaverse happening now (again, after Second Life was metaverse and I guess this was the Disney metaverse?)
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    jp's The Princess and the Frog (DS)

    Current Status: Stopped playing - Something better came along

    GameLog started on: Sunday 18 June, 2023

    GameLog closed on: Monday 17 July, 2023

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