dkirschner's Sunlight (PC)
[July 8, 2023 05:38:27 PM]
This is a short walking simulator through painted woods. It's pretty, and has a neat element of sound design. Basically, you wander around in these woods and listen to a story. There are a LOT of narrators reading the story at the same time, each voice emanating from a tree, rock, or other object. The way the voices meld together is very cool, and I kept trying to pick them out individually (which is, like, counter to the theme of the story). The other cool thing is the ending, which was a surprise. But to get that far, be prepared to listen to a philosophical story and walk really, really, slowly in circles through the woods for 30 minutes.
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dkirschner's Sunlight (PC)
Current Status: Finished playing
GameLog started on: Saturday 8 July, 2023
GameLog closed on: Saturday 8 July, 2023 |
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