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    jp's Flash Focus (DS)

    [October 2, 2023 01:00:20 PM]
    Two things I was reminded of by playing this game:

    (1) Nintendo was really pushing the Touch part of the 2nd screen as an important part in getting the message out about the DS. This game has an example of that in the little "Touch Generations" logo on the bottom left of the front cover. More broadly I think this might have been part of their move towards having what we would probably now call "apps" on the DS in addition to "regular games" for kids and all that. I think the most notable one would be "Brain Age" that had sequels and more...but was basically a collection of mini-games, all serious looking, designed to help you with your cognitive abililites. This game is basically "Brain Age" - with the special feature that it's not about straight up cognitive abilities, but rather visual acuity. So, most of the game have you seeing stuff quickly you then need to react to (e.g. see a number flashed briefly on screen, and then type in the number)

    (2) The streak! So, the idea is that you do your activity every day, and get a stamp on the calendar as an indicator! So, it's like a completion streak - the sort of thing that went on to become a big part of the gamification movement and is now famously a part of the Duolingo language learning app. I wonder if the streak stuff started with Brain Age?
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    jp's Flash Focus (DS)

    Current Status: Stopped playing - Something better came along

    GameLog started on: Tuesday 26 September, 2023

    GameLog closed on: Monday 2 October, 2023

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