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    jp's Rayman Rabbids: TV Party (DS)

    [October 8, 2023 06:27:44 PM]
    Ugh. This one really doesn't work.

    It's a collection of mini-games, which is fine. And it's probably better played with more people (I guess). But...

    (a) The mini-games are mostly fun and neat, and creative, and kind of wild (some of them more than others, of course).

    But, it's the game's core loop that seems a bit of a mess to me. The game is basically a giant board - and you need to get to a specific spot there before the rabbid does. You get "moves" from success in the mini-game. Maximum is four. Each time you get to the specific spot you decrease a counter by 10, when it hits zero you win. (and move on to the next level, which is basically the same thing - but with a higher starting number on the counter).

    So, the loop is kind of boring and predictable and while you can see yourself making progress it's exactly the same every time. AND, to make things worse there's a lot of waiting around and extra steps (clicks) before you get back into a mini-game. So, the core loop feels like it's got too many animations you can't skip (and watch over and over) extra buttons to press - when you just want to get back into the next mini-game.

    I was pleasantly surprised by the audio though - there are some mini-games with DJ music that's pretty good!

    The minigames? All of them are heavily touch screen based, which is fun.
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    jp's Rayman Rabbids: TV Party (DS)

    Current Status: Stopped playing - Got Bored

    GameLog started on: Tuesday 26 September, 2023

    GameLog closed on: Sunday 8 October, 2023

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