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    jp's Elements of Destruction (DS)

    [December 23, 2023 08:33:33 PM]
    Another "random" purchase for me... I tend to do this a fair amount for the DS. If the price is low and I haven't heard of the game, why not?

    So, there's a certain amount of fun to be had when playing Sim City by letting lose on the natural disasters and so on. This game gives you a city and then you have to let loose with the natural disasters: tornados, electric storms, earthquakes, etc. The goal is to cause a certain amount of destruction. The challenge comes from having to "optimize" the route of your storms and tornados (or epicenters for the earthquakes - there are other kinds of natural disasters, but these are the three I got to play with) to make the most damage. Every level is on a timer and you slowly get points to spend on a storm/etc. but you get lots of points when you wreck a location. And some special city tiles explode damaging their neighbors, and so on. So doing everything quickly is hard. It's even harder because some city tiles have buildings designed to dissipate the storms or suck in your tornados, and so on.

    There's a bit more to it than that- but that's the game in a nutshell. And it was, ok? I love the concept - and it's once again proof that the DS really was a platform full of all kinds of crazy games. Ha!
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    jp's Elements of Destruction (DS)

    Current Status: Stopped playing - Got Bored

    GameLog started on: Friday 22 December, 2023

    GameLog closed on: Tuesday 26 December, 2023

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