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    jp's SUPERHOT (PC)

    [December 24, 2023 04:06:09 PM]
    This was both better and worse than I had imagined - I mean that in the sense of the overall play experience. To be fair, I think I need to play some more just to make sure...

    Worse in the sense that it's harder than I expected - it's a game about feeling like a badass fighter, and you do indeed have that experience often enough, but it's also a challenge where, in some levels, you feel like you're just trial-and-error trying to find the "correct" sequence of actions that won't result in your dying. It does have a quick reload/restart, which is greatly appreciated.

    Better in the sense that when everything clicks and works - wow, you feel SO GOOD. This is coming from someone who isn't that good at FPS games, never really was, but has always had fun playing them since the very early days. So, a turn-based thinky kind of FPS is appreciated and the game does look quite interesting. I like how they use color to indicate danger/sources of danger.

    The meta story stuff is also interesting - it's like you're sort of hacking into some software system and the interface is very old school DOS-like...there's even some fun ascii nonsense to play around with in the menus.
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    jp's SUPERHOT (PC)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Friday 24 November, 2023

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    other GameLogs for this Game
    1 : SUPERHOT (PC) by dkirschner (rating: 5)
    2 : SUPERHOT: MIND CONTROL DELETE (PC) by dkirschner (rating: 4)


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