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    jp's New International Track & Field (DS)

    [December 26, 2023 07:23:03 PM]
    It's track and field! I've always enjoyed this game - but after completing two "campaigns" (each is four events, but all different from each other!), getting some medals, and so on...I've realized I can't really play this game on my DS XL because I'm pretty sure the frantic "rubbing" (sliding the stylus left-right as quickly as possible, or doing circles as quickly as possible) will result in my damaging the console. I really don't want that to happen.

    But, is this game the "full package"? Yes! Running, skeet shooting, hammer, javelin, diving, there's all kinds of events here (I didn't even get to unlock many of them...according to the back of the box there are 24...which makes sense because each "campaign" has 4 events and there are 6 of these...) You can also play/practice these individually which is nice - and it's nice to see that they follow similar gameplay - mostly doing something on the touch screen and then (or during) pressing buttons, holding buttons, or letting go of buttons at the right time.

    There's quite a few characters to pick from - online play including with the local sharing option - and outfits and nonsense to unlock.

    Also, what's not to love when you're reading the instructions to event while listening to a cute sounding rendition of Vangelis' Chariots of Fire?
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    jp's New International Track & Field (DS)

    Current Status: Stopped playing - Something better came along

    GameLog started on: Monday 25 December, 2023

    GameLog closed on: Tuesday 26 December, 2023

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