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    jp's Unsolved Crimes (DS)

    [December 27, 2023 03:16:40 PM]
    Of all the crime solving DS games I've played "recently" (last year or so?) this one is easily one of the better ones in that the game's interface does not get in the way of the crime solving and figuring out culprits and what not. There's some solid design here and I really liked how the crimes are structured in a way that scaffolds the experience (to help minimize the "what do I do next?") in a way that makes sense.

    In this game it's your partner who sort of moves things along - you explore a crime scene and then they bring up a question/issue that needs resolving or answering - and then you point to the clues that answer that question. It's really good at making the experience not overwhelming while also being naturalistic - here's your senior partner (you're the rookie) sort of guiding you along - e.g. we need to know who was sitting where at the table in order to eliminate a suspect, and then you answer and a suspect is eliminated. There's some moving around a 3D environment (really simple ones, which is nice) finding clues and stuff... There's even a "lets go give our supervisor a report" in which you explain where things are at in the case ("we know it was a murder and not a suicide"), answer some questions (how do you know this?) and are then ordered back to the scene to continue working the case (now find me the murderer!).

    I've done the tutorial and two cases - bot pretty simple with only two hiccups - one was a safe I needed to open, I understood the clue but the actual solution was less direct than what I thought the clue said. You had to rotate the safe dial a certain number of times, while I though you had to move the dial in a particular direction based on the clues such that it was in a certain position. I almost bailed here - thanks to a gamefaq everything was clarified. The next point of friction was a bunch of fruit I needed to examine - I missed something and was caught up on what seemed to be a mistake on a receipt (bananas x 1) when there were 4 bananas! This seemed odd to me but I could signal "the bananas are suspicious!" - eventually I realized that one of the apples had something MORE suspicious and from there it was case closed pretty much.

    The back of the box says there are "5 exciting action games" - I haven't seen any yet, so I'm curious...
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    jp's Unsolved Crimes (DS)

    Current Status: Stopped playing - Something better came along

    GameLog started on: Monday 25 December, 2023

    GameLog closed on: Sunday 28 January, 2024

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