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    jp's Sonic Rush Adventure (DS)

    [December 28, 2023 08:00:19 PM]
    It's kind of strange for me to say that the Sonic levels of this game are the least interesting or fun for me, and that the ship-levels were more interesting. To be fair I'm only 3 (4?) islands in - with two regular Sonic levels on each (not including the 1st island - which is where you start) followed by a boss.

    My issues with the first 4 sonic levels or so is that, they're fast, mostly play themselves and then you hit an obstacle, lose the rings, and so on. So, I didn't feel like I was actually navigating the world. Sonic's always been fast - but rarely so fast you couldn't follow along...maybe it's just me getting old here? So, lots of zippy parts, loops, speed boosters, the pipes that shoot you along, and more - but, very little to do as a player (mostly). Sonic can now do tricks in the air (for extra points) but it all felt a bit meh to me. Clearly I'm not doing something right because I haven't gotten better than a "C" on any level - but I don't know if that's because I'm taking too long, not doing enough tricks, or simply because I generally lose rings once - near the end, and then clear the level without a lot of rings.

    The ship levels are different though!

    The premise is you're on an island and need to sail to the next ones. I have no idea what the actual story is because I've skipped it all... There are four different ships (maybe more?) and to build them you need resources (you get from completing a level - with my "C" finishes I only get one resource, perhaps you get more than one with a higher rating?), and a character then builds a ship. I only have two - and I've only built one - but they play differently! The first one is like a jetski - you mostly face away from the screen, use the touchscreen to move left/right to collect rings and avoid hazards. Also you can go up ramps and then do a "swipe" trick. It's fun, not too complicated, and there's also a boost to balst through obstacles and increase your speed (I used it in a race that netted my first chaos emerald). The 2nd ship is more of a boat - it has cannons and stuff - and the level had me shooting rings, enemies, and more. There are 3 weapons - which have cool downs and you want to switch between them because they do different damage (cannons, flamethrower, machine gun), reload at different speeds and so on. You can pretty much shoot anything (including little islands) with was neat.

    Why are you sailing from island to (undiscovered) island? I have no idea - it sort of made me think that this was SEGA's take on Zelda's Phantom Hourglass for the DS (itself a sort of take on Wind Waker)? Different games, for sure, but similar vibes in the island hopping and sailing? Here you draw a line on the screen from one island to the next and then play a boat level... and I required the boat (jetski no longer good enough) to get to the further island.
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    jp's Sonic Rush Adventure (DS)

    Current Status: Stopped playing - Got Bored

    GameLog started on: Tuesday 26 December, 2023

    GameLog closed on: Sunday 31 December, 2023

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