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    jp's Kung Zhu (DS)

    [January 7, 2024 11:40:17 PM]
    ...and I guess that was it?

    I finished it!
    From looking at the map - of which I only did a handful of levels, including the "final three" (1-1 fights with single baddies to get one of three tablet) and the final-final level, but I think I got a good sense of the game... turns out you also unlock/free other characters as you go along. The armor you get from finding a tablet hidden (not really hidden, just off the beaten path as it where) in a level...and there are other rewards/collectibles I couldn't be bothered with.

    Now I'm curious if the game was ever sold alone or if it was sold as part of a bundle with a zhu zhu pet?
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    [January 7, 2024 03:13:54 PM]
    I remember when my kids had "zhu zhu pets", these hamster toys with wheels that you'd buy hamster "rooms" with pipes and things to roll around in. They were cute and didn't poop which is nice I guess. The kids never got into them THAT much, and I somehow ended up with a few of the DS games that came out. Not via the kids, I probably just picked these up because they were super cheap. Hahaha.

    I booted this one up just to see what it was like. Whoever last played it had the game at 34% completion and I've since made it up to ~50%. So, progress has been made - the game is mostly a "not very good" 2D platformer with combat - none of which feels very good - which makes me think - wow, I should have more people play this so you can see when gameplay works (functionally) and doesn't work (experientially). Anyways. The game has lots of things you collect and unlock and I get the feeling that I'm about to finish the game - which seems weird. So, I'm curious enough to continue playing?

    Oh, there are like 8 zhu zhu's to pick from (in the game they're anthropomorphized hamsters - did they design the characters just for the games? or based on a tv show?) and you can also choose their "armor" - I've played with a few of the characters but there aren't that many armors unlocked (I did unlock an additional one myself) and I think the armor, in addition to extra protection, determines how your attacks work. But, it doesn't really matter that much because I don't like the feel of combat in the game....
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    jp's Kung Zhu (DS)

    Current Status: Finished playing

    GameLog started on: Saturday 6 January, 2024

    GameLog closed on: Sunday 7 January, 2024

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