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    jp's CD 2 Trap Master (PC)

    [March 5, 2024 01:04:06 PM]'s time to move on!
    I did at least win a battle on one of the higher difficulties and...maybe I won't quite uninstall it just yet. I was just getting started on the meta-progression as well, and there are lots of new cards to unlock (in the meta-progression). So...we'll see.

    It was a game changer for me to realize that you could move your traps around - this is a huge help for certain bosses as well as the 3rd boss levels where the layout often changes.

    I've also gotten better at the game in the sense that I'm really stingy now in terms of picking up new cards. There are lots of cool 4 mana cards, but in practice you rarely get to play them. If you're lucky you can add some inscriptions to them to make them cheaper - but you can't really count on that for several 4-cost cards. So, I now pick up one, two at the most...and try to make the most from there.
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    [February 25, 2024 09:16:43 PM]
    I've played a little over 5 hours now and I've been having fun with this tower defense deckbuilder. Your cards are basically the traps you lay on the maze to damage the creeps. Hopefully they'll die before they get to your home base.

    The game's overall structure is essentially the same as Slay the Spire (the winding paths with forks and choices, there are fights, events, stores, campfires, and so on). There are more types of places than Slay the Spire, but it's basically the same structure.

    In this game you have more chances to improve your cards. One is by upgrading, and the other is by adding (forging) a modifier - e.g. the card now also does freeze damage - to a card. Some are better than others and I sometimes skip them. You can delete cards, but for the most part I haven't used that all that much.

    As in Slay, three bosses and that's the end of the run. I've only done it once (out of 5-6 runs?) with a couple of deaths at the 3rd boss which was annoying. Whether or not I have a good "battle" is largely due to the map layout, with some maps having layouts that change...which makes those maps super hard unless you know exactly how things will go. This is because you want to lay traps such that all the enemies get hit, rather than having to worry about two paths.

    As I write this I realize it's similar to Ratropolis (in the tower defense part), but different in that Ratropolis really works on the economy and citybuilding. Here, your redraw is on a timer and your mana as I'm always waiting for it to creep up to the next amount so I can either redraw (to hopefully get cards I want/need/can use) or so I can play a card I'm sitting on.

    There are also skills and powers (in addition to the traps) with powers being a permanent buff while skills you can play over and overs (unless they have "exhaust")

    I've had fun making decks where I can optimize for speed (how fast traps trigger, everything is on a cooldown) with my traps sometimes firing almost continuously. I think each speed is like a percentage reduction on the cooldown, so there are diminishing returns, but on speed 18 things seem pretty fast to me!

    The game is apparently still in "beta" (current patch is 0.8.22) and there are some things that need fixing...there's a fireball spell that is kind of bugged - the fireball sort of bounces in place, trapping the enemies beneath it (which helps a lot in slowing things down). Sometimes it eventually explodes, other times it does not... Also, the game's art (in those random events) is super cool and dark (sort of Mignola style) BUT the 3D assets for the creeps are all humorous and goofy-looking (the oppositve of the dark and creepy illustrations). Given the title's name (which I don't understand what CD means, it's used in-game where I think it means cool down), I wonder if they're assets used from the 1st game? (and they're going for a change of tone but haven't updated the game's look?

    Anyways, fun deckbuilding for sure!
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    jp's CD 2 Trap Master (PC)

    Current Status: Stopped playing - Something better came along

    GameLog started on: Friday 23 February, 2024

    GameLog closed on: Sunday 7 April, 2024

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