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    jp's République (PS4)

    [March 16, 2024 09:54:40 AM]
    I picked this up a while ago because I was curious about the game. I recall it getting "ok" reviews, but that it got a lot of media attention. What I don't remember right now is if the media attention was from the crowdfunding campaign (this would have been in the early days of videogame crowdfunding) or after that (e.g. failed to deliver? needed more money? crowdfunding drama?)... or something else entirely. I remember there being drama and attention... Maybe the episodic thing they wanted to do was also super fresh at the time and that was driving the games media cycle?

    So, here I am, maybe 10 years later? More? Playing the game on a PS4...I think the crowdfunding was all about touch interfaces and the (at the time new?) ipad? So. What is the game?

    Well, it's episodic. I finished episode 5. It's a stealth game. It's set in some sort of dystopian fascist 1984-style future, and it has an interesting split-attention thing going on. You control both a character who must move around in a 3rd person 3d space to escape (walking around, hiding in lockers, avoiding guards, finding items, that sort of thing) while at the same time you control a "hacker" (I have no idea who) who can hack items and hop around from camera-to-camera. So, you often have to scout ahead (by hopping to other cameras - you only see things through the PoV of a camera - mostly), see what's up, unlock things, hack things, etc. and the hop back to a camera that gives you a view of the character such that you can see what you're doing when you're controlling her.

    It works! And, I appreciated that there weren't a lot of high-stakes time-based challenges because the camera hopping (which changes your perspective) can really slow things down and it was easy for me to get caught on corners and that sort of thing. It wasn't too hard, and I enjoyed the first episode - lots of cut-scenes though...and...lots of humor? This was unexpected...

    - So, all of the guards carry around a passport you can scan to see who they are. And they all appear with realistic-looking pictures and sort of normal names. But, I was a bit confused that they also had flags from countries all over the place. It all clicked when I scanned a guard whose picture was not a photo but a cartoon character. Specifically Tycho or Gabe from PennyArcade! I then realized - OH! The photos are all of Kickstarter funders! (which was also indicated on the passport, I just hadn't noticed!). The guards are all essentially criminals with mental and behavioral problems...and it's cool that, even as late as the PS4 version, the creators are holding up to what I imagine was promised during the Kickstarter campaign. Still, it was a weird 4th wall breaking thing for me...

    - Which was perhaps augmented because... When you pick a guards pocket you get a game disk! (3.5 inch disc) Each disc is of a different indie game - which was cool - and there's commentary on the game and everything. This made no sense to me at all either...Though it was cool, I thought. And perhaps a sign of what the indie community was then (when things were really taking off!). Later on I discovered why there were all these disks - you get help from a turncoat guard who is into retro games and whose collection was raided by his fellow bullying guards (thus, the discs everywhere). It was a reasonable explanation - but it came too late and also in a context such that I felt it was lucky I even found it...

    So, overall - will I continue playing? I had some fun with the game, but not enough to be compelled into the later episodes. I took a quick peek and it seems the ratings/scores went down starting with episode 3, so I felt I played enough to get a good feeling of the game (I thought the black hacker market where you could sell intel/dirt you found along the way in exchange for new abilities was pretty cool), without needing to spend more time on it.
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    jp's République (PS4)

    Current Status: Stopped playing - Something better came along

    GameLog started on: Saturday 9 March, 2024

    GameLog closed on: Sunday 24 March, 2024

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