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    dkirschner's Doki Doki Literature Club (PC)

    [September 20, 2024 03:14:46 PM]
    I've never played an actual dating sim, just some parodies or riffs on them like Hatoful Boyfriend and Dream Daddy. I thought this one wasn't supposed to be a dating sim, was just supposed to look like one until it subverted the genre. Well, it's a dating sim for a long time, and I don't think I care for dating sims after playing! It takes its sweet time getting to the weird stuff! Yes, there is weird stuff.

    I don't know how this would land for people who like to play dating sims. I imagine they would like the part until the weird stuff more than I did, and then I think that their appreciation of the genre subversion may scale according to how many games they've played (or how much they like games) with unreliable narrators or games that "mess" with you (Pony Island, Stanley Parable, etc.). I also wonder how the experience might be different for people who read something about the game compared to those who go in without any prior knowledge. Since I knew that it had a psychological horror twist, I kept looking for it. Every time a girl went into the closet, I was thinking, "There's something about that closet!", or every time one of them would say anything at all that could be interpreted as deviant, I would think, "Aha, now they're going to be cannibals/witches/cosmic horrors/vampires/etc." I do wonder if I missed clues as to the twist, but I definitely didn't pick up on any and didn't guess what was coming.

    That's all I'm going to say about this because I don't want to spoil anything, and it really is that simple of a game. Dating sim for most (too much) of its run time, then takes a distressing turn. Overall, I enjoyed it, aside from the mild boredom of the first three quarters. Am I raving about it? No. Would I recommend others play it? It's fine, but no need unless it's your thing.
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    dkirschner's Doki Doki Literature Club (PC)

    Current Status: Finished playing

    GameLog started on: Tuesday 30 April, 2024

    GameLog closed on: Friday 20 September, 2024

    dkirschner's opinion and rating for this game

    Good, funny writing. Waiting for it to get weird. ---------- Takes a long time to get weird. Gets boring before that, though.

    Rating (out of 5):starstarstarstar

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