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    jp's Armagallant: Decks of Destiny (PS4)

    [April 30, 2024 06:22:27 PM]
    This one's an unusual entry - which I'm only making so that I remember what happened, because this is a game I have not (as I write this) played!

    I load it up and it tries to connect to some servers...and nothing. Tries to connect to "master servers" and nothing. So I do a little online sleuthing and it seems like the developer cut the PlayStation servers because it was too expensive and that was that. I learned this from a reddit post from many years ago, but it also noted the devs were handing out Steam keys for people with PS versions of the game. The reddit post was old enough that I'm just willing to let it be, though I am annoyed that the back of the box says 1 player (and 2-4 networked) so I had assumed there was still a solo way to play that did not need network access. Alas, that was not the case...

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    jp's Armagallant: Decks of Destiny (PS4)

    Current Status: Stopped playing - Technical problems

    GameLog started on: Sunday 28 April, 2024

    GameLog closed on: Tuesday 30 April, 2024

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