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    dkirschner's Portal: Revolution (PC)

    [July 29, 2024 09:18:11 AM]
    Finished this today, having been playing it on and off for months. It's an incredibly polished Portal mod, like Valve quality. The story is fun and fills in gaps after Portal 2. One might say this is basically Portal 3. The puzzles are creative and often challenging, but not overly complicated or difficult. I looked at a walkthrough once, and had a head-smacking moment because that solution relied on thinking about time, which I think I had purged from my memory after that "4d" Portal mod. I'm proud of myself though for sticking with it and not looking anything up aside from that.

    Revolution introduces a couple new mechanics in later chapters. One is pneumatic tubes that suck cubes (and sometimes test subjects) through them. Another is like portal laser redirection cubes. Normal laser redirection cubes just redirect lasers. The portal ones come in pairs. If you put one in front of a laser, the laser comes out of the other cube. This all adds to the dynamism of how different elements can interact. I thoroughly enjoyed Revolution's puzzles.

    You will spend a chunk of the games walking through the "backrooms" and doing light puzzle-solving, as you follow around new personality spheres, learning more about the Aperture facility and going from area to area. So, interestingly, and unlike other Portal games and mods I've played, the run time isn't a reflection of how long you're solving puzzles, but also includes a good amount of walking. The personality spheres are well written and acted, so I enjoyed the backrooms parts. They were also a nice break from completing puzzles!

    Highly, highly recommended Portal mod, best one I've played.
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    dkirschner's Portal: Revolution (PC)

    Current Status: Finished playing

    GameLog started on: Tuesday 28 May, 2024

    GameLog closed on: Monday 29 July, 2024

    dkirschner's opinion and rating for this game

    Another challenging mod! This one at least starts off easy. How tricky will it get? --------- Not terribly tricky, but some new mechanics lead to interesting puzzles!

    Rating (out of 5):starstarstarstarstar

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