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    jp's Tetris Effect (PS4)

    [June 17, 2024 12:49:38 PM]
    I think it's now super fair to say that I'm not very good at playing Tetris. Mostly because I make lots of mistakes pressing the "drop now" button instead of rotating a piece or something like that. I've also never been particularly drawn to playing Tetris, even if I've dabbled for years now...almost since it came out.

    But, I was curious to play Tetris Effect - in VR - because it was described as such a different experience. And it is. I'd describe it as the Rez version of Tetris. So, it's still Tetris, but it's Rez-like in how the music is a much more integrated part of the experience, in a good way. So, I enjoyed playing the campaign - with different areas with art, sound effects and so on...and the experience really is much more immersive - in a good way - than "vanilla tetris". For me at least!
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    jp's Tetris Effect (PS4)

    Current Status: Stopped playing - Something better came along

    GameLog started on: Saturday 15 June, 2024

    GameLog closed on: Sunday 23 June, 2024

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