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    dkirschner's Solar Ash (PC)

    [July 18, 2024 03:05:46 PM]
    Another stylish one with fluid movement! Solar Ash, it turns out, is a lot like Shadow of the Colossus, except instead of riding a horse, you "skate." It's kind of like if Tony Hawk's Pro Skater were about killing giant monsters instead of doing sick tricks. You play as Rei, a Voidrunner who is trying to activate a device that will prevent her planet from being devoured by a black hole. Neat premise for sure.

    You'll explore other planets with unique terrains that were already devastated. I think that each successive planet is more impressive than the one before it! One way Solar Ash impresses is by creating an awe-inspiring sense of scale. You are tiny little Rei, and you are in this giant area with interconnected destroyed planets, each with their own gravity. They've all been infected by "remnants," giant monsters which you need to destroy to progress.

    Each planet has four or five smaller remnants and then a huge boss remnant. The smaller ones are all wrapped around buildings, and are timed platforming puzzles. The remnants have weak spots, and you have to skate/climb/jump around hitting the weak spots on timers before the remnant burns you. The bosses are like in Shadow of the Colossus. You climb up on them, then skate around knocking out those weak spots on timers, which is extra tricky because the boss is moving around. Some of them providing a tough challenge, and in a way it felt like playing Neon White in a sci-fi world because you have to hit each weak spot before a timer runs out--speedrunning the boss.

    The movement and puzzle-platformy boss fights are where it's at. Narratively, the premise is interesting, but the presentation is a bit dense. I understood the broad picture, but the details, the side characters, didn't coalesce for me. I'm sure there is more there if I found all the logs and did the side quests, learned more about each planet and how its people tried to save them. The game tackles themes like grief and loss, but requires more unpacking than I felt like.
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    dkirschner's Solar Ash (PC)

    Current Status: Finished playing

    GameLog started on: Monday 15 July, 2024

    GameLog closed on: Thursday 18 July, 2024

    dkirschner's opinion and rating for this game

    Neat movement, boss battle so far. Intriguing setup. -------- Story is too dense, but the movement and puzzle platforming great. The scale, too, opens up as the game progresses, and was awe-inspiring to behold!

    Rating (out of 5):starstarstarstarstar

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