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    dkirschner's Still Wakes the Deep (PC)

    [July 26, 2024 09:11:25 AM]
    Who came up with the idea for this?! It's like watching North Sea Tiktok but there are monsters. Still Wakes the Deep is a horror game set on an oil rig in the North Sea. You play as an electrician named Caz who took the job to escape some legal trouble back home in Scotland. The crew drills into *something* under the ocean, which proceeds to wreak havoc on the crew and the rig. You attempt to escape as the situation becomes bleaker and bleaker.

    My favorite thing about the game is the setting. It reminded me of Dead Space and other horror games where the setting is so well-realized that it feels like a character. You'll go back and forth across the oil rig, watching it slowly be destroyed over the course of the game. You'll learn which crew-member-monsters are terrorizing which areas. And you'll be rooting (hopefully!) for your crew buddies to make it, and be sad (and experience serious dread as another one bites the dust) when they don't. The setting is oppressive, the kind of place where you're waiting for the next bad thing to happen. The weather is stormy, the waves roll beneath the rig, and as it gets progressively destroyed, paths you once took are obstructed and you have to take new ones.

    It's also incredibly authentic due to the wonderful voice acting by the Scottish cast. Turn on subtitles because, unless you are Scottish, you won't understand a chunk of the dialogue. Interestingly, the subtitles "translate" what they are saying into American English. This was strange because I am used to having subtitles on American English media, where I can just read along with what they are saying, and on foreign media, where I don't understand any of what they are saying and I have to read instead. I can't recall the last time I understood like 80% of what was said and relied on subtitles for the other 20%, and where the subtitles didn't write the words they said, but rather translated them into American English.

    Gameplay-wise, it's straightforward. I've seen this described as both a survival horror game and a walking simulator, but I don't think it's either. By my definition, it's not survival horror because there are no resources to manage. There is no combat, you have no health, no inventory. There is some light stealth. Yes, you are "surviving," but this doesn't require much special effort on the player's part. And it's not a walking simulator because it's very action-heavy. Walking simulators, to me, are associated with a much slower pace. I'm calling it a linear horror game. You will constantly progress forward. You won't get stuck, you won't get lost, and you'll rarely die. For some, this may make it a bit boring, but we were engaged.

    Overall, I really enjoyed this. It's a good one to swap the controller back and forth with a friend. Solid story, solid (if simple) gameplay, and thoroughly impressive setting. It kept us on the edge of the couch the whole time.
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    dkirschner's Still Wakes the Deep (PC)

    Current Status: Finished playing

    GameLog started on: Tuesday 16 July, 2024

    GameLog closed on: Tuesday 23 July, 2024

    dkirschner's opinion and rating for this game

    Great setting. The Scottish accents make it sound so authentic. Creeping dread. --------- Excellent game, great action, poor oil rig and crew members!

    Rating (out of 5):starstarstarstarstar

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