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    jp's Assassin's Creed Chronicles (VITA)

    [July 22, 2024 11:57:31 AM]
    Sidescrolling platforming Assassin's Creed game? I've only played 30 mins or so - just part of the tutorial for the China section and I have questions: will there be a tutorial for each of the three locations? (China, India, and Russia) I hope not - but that's assuming that the gameplay and controls will be the same for all three. Or perhaps there's significant differences? (this would also make sense because you can pick any location and don't have to do them in order - so each provides it's own experience)

    Anyways, so far I'm pretty impressed with how smooth the animations are and how they been slowly introducing new buttons/actions that - I'm sure - I will get overwhelmed by at some point because I won't play for a bit, forget everything, and then have to relearn.

    So far so good!
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    jp's Assassin's Creed Chronicles (VITA)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Thursday 18 July, 2024

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