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    dkirschner's Clone Drone in the Danger Zone (PC)

    [July 26, 2024 09:21:39 AM]
    A random find on Game Pass, it's got like 30,000 "overwhelmingly positive" Steam reviews. It's a (mostly melee) arena combat game with robots that can slice off body parts. Case in point: I beat the final campaign boss fight with one leg, after systematically slicing off the legs (so it couldn't move) and arms (so it couldn't use weapons) of the boss. The campaign is just a few hours long, has a silly story that is way better than it has any right to be, and has some good humor, especially the announcers in the first two chapters.

    In the campaign, the first two chapters let you play around with the skill tree and design some custom robots. Do you want to use a sword, hammer, bow, or spear? Do you want your weapon on fire? Do you want a jet pack? Etc. Limited skill points keep you from becoming overpowered. They also introduce the idea of the clones. You can, instead of purchasing a skill, purchase a clone. After I died the first time, and had to start the whole chapter over, I realized that the clones were like extra lives. From then on, I always had a clone purchased in case I got sliced up! The other chapters introduce co-op, further upgrades, and the idea of "transference" where you can take over enemies that kill you. This is strategic. If you know what kinds of enemies are coming, you can purposefully get killed by an enemy type that is strong against the upcoming ones. If a boss is coming up, you can purposefully get killed by a massive flaming-hammer-wielding armored robot or something.

    After completing the campaign, there is co-op, with a lot of challenges, deathmatch, and some other multiplayer modes. I dabbled a bit. There are far, far better multiplayer battlers out there, but this one certainly has charm.
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    dkirschner's Clone Drone in the Danger Zone (PC)

    Current Status: Finished playing

    GameLog started on: Thursday 25 July, 2024

    GameLog closed on: Friday 26 July, 2024

    dkirschner's opinion and rating for this game

    Silly little melee lego-type battle game. -------- Fun to slice off body parts. Campaign is pretty good, with funny announcers.

    Rating (out of 5):starstarstarstar

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