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    dkirschner's Cocoon (PC)

    [August 9, 2024 03:03:10 PM]
    Oooh, I forgot to write an entry for this one. This was a really cool adventure puzzle game, sort of like a Limbo or Inside (because apparently same lead designer). It gets better as it goes on, as it becomes more complex. I didn't know what exactly I was doing for most of the time (like, the story is...??...until you start to make some educated guesses about why you are doing what you're doing later).

    But the gist of it is that you're this bug guy and you solve puzzles in the world by using these orbs/spheres/moons that you pick up and carry around. The gimmick is that you can go inside of each sphere, and inside of each sphere is another world, with its own puzzles. When you get a second colored sphere, you'll realize that you can take it inside of the first one. Like, whenever you enter or exit a sphere, you take what you are holding, which could be a sphere, or later, a sphere within a sphere within a sphere. It gets pretty mind-bending later on, as you are figuring out how to get spheres inside spheres to solve this or that puzzle.

    There are also some boss fights, which were fun. The whole aesthetic of the game is mysterious and otherworldly. All the other creatures, the environments, the music, it's very like bio-mechanical sci-fi type stuff. I thought I would like this, and sure enough, it landed. Really creative, super well designed, never played anything quite like it. Highly recommend.
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    dkirschner's Cocoon (PC)

    Current Status: Finished playing

    GameLog started on: Wednesday 31 July, 2024

    GameLog closed on: Saturday 3 August, 2024

    dkirschner's opinion and rating for this game

    Seems like it'll be an interesting puzzle game. Figuring out puzzles by interacting with things to see what they do. -------- Great one. Cool boss fights, mind-bending puzzles by the end.

    Rating (out of 5):starstarstarstarstar

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    1 : Cocoon (PC) by jp (rating: 5)


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