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    jp's Spore Creatures (DS)

    [August 15, 2024 09:53:54 PM]
    I remember being blown away when Will Wright gave a talk at Georgia Tech about his new game Spore. The game wasn't even out yet - he was just showing off demos and prototypes and the big picture vision behind the game. And it was wild. Spore came out in 2008, so this must have been a few years before that? At least one year...

    And Spore had so many cool little things - one of which was the creature creator. I think this was released separately (or maybe released before, so people could play around?) - and this game must have been the attempt to make a game about the first part of the game of Spore (when you're a creature just wandering around). Actually, I think it's the 2nd part - because the first part was more about small but not quite monocellular organisms? Anyways...this is on the DS, so it's already kind of quirky...and the game works!

    Interesting (to me) things:

    a. It's on a DS, and it's 3D 3rd person - but the creatures are all flat sprites (like little cardboard cutouts) and the game's visual style is very much in the low poly, flat sprites, not quite cardboard-craft vein. Smart choice given the target platform - and.. it works!

    b. You guide your creature around the map with the stylus. It's 3rd person and moving towards the camera is awkward. You can move the camera around, but I find pressing L/R while holding a stylus and the device abit too clunky for me.

    c. There's a really good tutorial and encyclopedia that explains what different animal parts do and so on. The game has tons of icons - but again, good help system and explanations.

    d. There's different areas with goals and such - e.g. fight X creatures or befriend all the Y creatures. It really helps give you a sense of what to do other than just wandering around eating stuff and collecting body parts to modify your creature.

    In all, I'm really impressed by how much game there is in the form factor and the smart decisions when it came to visual design.
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    jp's Spore Creatures (DS)

    Current Status: Stopped playing - Something better came along

    GameLog started on: Thursday 8 August, 2024

    GameLog closed on: Thursday 15 August, 2024

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