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    jp's Star Wars The Clone Wars: Republic Heroes (DS)

    [August 24, 2024 06:40:42 PM]
    Wow, this game is a lot harder than I expected and for - for me - the wrong reasons! Almost everything in the game is done via the touch screen and it works REALLY well (almost) all of the time. And, the game really does play super fast and smooth. I think it might be a bit forgiving when assigning hits and such, which is fine because at times enemies are only 10 pixels tall or so...maybe less.

    The part when I run into trouble is that there are some dexterity/reaction time based moments - this is when the jedi are doing all these acrobatic things and you have to tap on stuff when it's green (and not red) and I find that my timing is off consistently. I feel like either the window of red/green is really small (it's almost like they flicker between them for some items - notable for me the spots/poles where you spin around like in gymnastics) or the timing is supposed to have some rhythm which I don't understand. I even wonder if playing on a 3DSXL is making the difference (instead of playing on a regular old DS)?

    I'm susprised at how well the swapping between characters works - with the trooper requiring you play more conservatively (take cover, wait to reload, wait to recharge shield) while the jedi is all about getting into the thick of it.

    Fun stuff, though I don't think I'll finish it just because the frustrating parts are a bit too frustrating for me...
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    [August 19, 2024 11:11:39 PM]
    I've only played two missions - before I got stuck and realized I need to do the tutorial. So, that's where I'm at...


    I'm super impressed by how slick and fast this game is - the characters (which you control with the stylus) really zip along!
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    jp's Star Wars The Clone Wars: Republic Heroes (DS)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Sunday 18 August, 2024

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    Rating (out of 5):starstarstarstarstar

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