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    jp's Master of Illusion (DS)

    [August 25, 2024 04:08:05 PM]
    The more I explore the DS catalog the more I'm convinced that the DS played a significant role in "seeding" what would later become the app store in terms of playful apps and games.

    Master of Illusion is basically an app that lets you learn (real) magic tricks, perform magic tricks for your friends (using the DS), and also have the DS perform magic tricks for you. I think the retail version of this came in a larger box with a (regular?) deck of cards. I just have the game box and cart - but you can use any deck of cards.

    I would have loved this when I was a kid and (very, very briefly) into magic (in 2nd grade!) because it's so simple, and engaging.

    I'm surprised they even went all the way and added some progression (you get magic points which unlock new tricks and such) and there's even a broader premise of a store/show and a weird character on screen.
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    jp's Master of Illusion (DS)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Saturday 24 August, 2024

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