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    jp's Braid (PC)

    [August 25, 2024 07:47:18 PM]
    I've had this game for AGES. Since at least 2012...which is what my Steam page showed as the last time I had played the game (for like, 50 minutes or so?).

    I was surprised how easy it was to get back's basically jumping and the time rewinding. And, it's obvious how the game is an xbox one... What I was surprised most by though is that the game runs super well despite a weird startup screen with some sort of settings. It looks...well, over 15 years old in terms of system UI elements. BUT, the game itself works. Amazing. I wonder if that's because it's been updated behind the scenes to run on latest windows sort of thing? Or if it's a Steam thing?

    I hadn't realized how challenging the game is in terms of the puzzles and how much trial and error there is. It took me a while before I realized that if you're able to jump on an enemy multiple times it boosts your jump height! The fact that you can move on ahead to the end of the levels and such was also surprising - I wonder if you can get to the end that way? I'll have to try...because I'm sure I don't want to spend THAT long puzzling stuff out.

    I remember hearing that Jon Blow was disappointed by the (relatively?) poor sales of the remastered version of the game. I'm not that surprised in the sense that the game hasn't aged as well as I thought it had. The time warping, while cool feels less special (obviously) and there seem to be more areas of friction than you'd see in a modern game. Product of its time, for sure. I'm curious what my students will think/say about it....
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    jp's Braid (PC)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Saturday 24 August, 2024

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    other GameLogs for this Game
    1 : Braid (360) by bdrx (rating: 4)
    2 : Braid (PC) by dkirschner (rating: 4)
    3 : Braid (PC) by Furious Jorge (rating: 5)


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