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    dkirschner's Else Heart.Break() (PC)

    [September 7, 2024 10:10:47 AM]
    I picked this up because some PC Gamer staffer from way back when I subscribed to that magazine used to write glowingly about it all the time. Supposedly, it's this deep hacking type game where you end up being able to manipulate all these systems in really creative ways in a city. Sounds cool, finally bought it!

    Utterly failed to grab me. Clunky and obtuse. You can rotate the camera, and it has a short zoom, but you cannot pan the camera, which for an isometric perspective game is bizarre. It automatically pans when you get near-ish the edge of the screen, then jerkily snaps in place. There are no tutorials. The map of the city and navigation are awful. The map has no details. Parts of the city, which do have names, are not labeled on the map. I played for nearly an hour and half the time couldn't figure out where I was. There is no "you are here" marker.

    Movement is painfully slow. Everything feels stiff. You can double-click to run, but after you run for about 50 feet, it says "too tired to run." Maybe I should drink something? Pick up a water to drink. Nope. Maybe eat? Pick up some food to eat. Nope. I probably need to sleep because I've seen beds. Continue wandering around until my character literally passes out in a road (there is no "tired" meter or anything, so how in the world was I supposed to know this?). He ran for another 10 feet upon waking, then "too tired to run." Sigh.

    There are objects to pick up: radios, water, beer, food...I stuffed about 3 radios, 10 bottles of water, a dozen beers, and other miscellanea into my backpack. When it got full, I drank the two dozen beers. My character swayed a bit when standing still, but otherwise gave no indication of intoxication. This game is supposed to be all cool hacker stuff, but the systems I've interacted with so far make no sense. Food, water, and beer don't do what they seem like they should. There is obviously some sort of sleep/rest mechanic, but there isn't info about it. Movement and navigation suck. Dialogue is dull. I have no idea what I'm supposed to be doing and am not interested in exploring further. Bummer!
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    dkirschner's Else Heart.Break() (PC)

    Current Status: Stopped playing - Got Bored

    GameLog started on: Friday 6 September, 2024

    GameLog closed on: Saturday 7 September, 2024

    dkirschner's opinion and rating for this game

    Neat style, but seems really boring. Map/walking/navigation is bad. ---------- Yep, no clue what I'm supposed to be doing. Didn't like it at all.

    Rating (out of 5):starstar

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