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    jp's Baba is You (PC)

    [September 10, 2024 11:14:35 PM]
    I've completed some 20 or so levels?

    And yes, it's a clever puzzle game that innovates in an interesting direction by taking block-pushing puzzles (sokoban style) and adding a layer of rules and goals that the player can/must manipulate in order to get to a win condition.

    Part of me though "oh, this is neat, I get it, that's cool" but quickly got tired.

    But another part of me, not feeling any particular interest in continuing to play, realized that this game is perhaps more interesting, at least as an example you can use in game studies and such. And, my playing this game has coincided with a re-read of Lantz's Beauty of Games (the beauty of games is how they make thinking visible) and here's a game that forces you to think outside the usual box because you can manipulate some of the games rules! For example, generally you need to move Baba until it collides with the Flag to win. But "Flag is Win" is a rule that, in some levels, you can play around with - turn it into "Rock is Win" and then you win when you touch the rock. So, in addition to requiring that you "see" the moves Baba can make around the level - and how those interactions will play out, you must also consider possible changes to the rules! So, neat theoretical stuff made practical and expressed in a game.
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    jp's Baba is You (PC)

    Current Status: Stopped playing - Something better came along

    GameLog started on: Saturday 7 September, 2024

    GameLog closed on: Sunday 15 September, 2024

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