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    jp's Paradise Killer (PC)

    [September 17, 2024 10:32:38 PM]
    Ok, this is not what I was expecting. I though the game was mostly (primarily?) a visual novel - lots of reading, going places to meet characters, and then more reading. But, I've spent most of my time moving around a 3D environment, jumping, and collecting stuff. And yes, meeting characters and chatting - but more moving around. And, it's weirdly compelling. Despite being pretty lo-fi in terms of visuals. And I'm not a fan of the music (just not my thing, not that it's "bad"), and...well, everything is sort of "not my thing". Yet, here I am , enjoying the game. Slowly piecing together (in my head) what is going on. Discovering "secret" areas and things...and really having fun with the exploring and collecting. I know I won't get everything - and I am curious to see how it all ends (I know about the trial and blablabla, but I don't know if I'll figure everything out or not!).

    We'll have to wait and see!
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    jp's Paradise Killer (PC)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Sunday 8 September, 2024

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    1 : Paradise Killer (PC) by dkirschner (rating: 5)


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