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    jp's The Making of Karateka (PC)

    [September 15, 2024 09:39:09 PM]
    It has been so much fun to play this again - with fresh (much older) eyes. Yes, I played it as a kid - must have been 84 or 85? I remember thinking it was cool and fun, but that the bird was super hard - but I also do remember beating it. Even knowing that you had to run into the princess otherwise she'd kick you.

    This time around I played on the Apple II version - the one I knew originally (though I had a monochrome monitor, so the colors were neat). It's amazing how much I remember from the sounds - and the music "flourishes". That stuff was stuck in my head I guess. I must have played 4 or five times now? Died at the gate. Died again at the gate. Died at the bird. I think I might have died some other time too.. but yes. Dying at the bird was a pain.

    It's interesting to see how "slow" the game is - yes, cinematic. But also slow. It has its own rhythm and it's now noticeable to me when the game slows down due to the Apple being over taxed? (it can't be the emulation I figure). So, the game has an entirely different pace from modern fighting games that are fast and snappy. I enjoyed that. It's not a hard game - just an unforgiving one with mean tricks. But, I don't think they were mean then? I remember thinking it was cool/funny when the princess killed you... hahaha.

    I didn't remember the healing system either. Which, seems way ahead of its time! It's slow health regeneration - and the enemies have it too, so you have to be a little bit aggressive, but not too much.

    The remastered version plays super well - much faster and snappier and probably more like how I remember the game being originally. That being said, I had an Apple IIe with extra memory (512kb) if I recall. Is it possible the game ran better for me? (compared to an Apple II...) I wonder who to ask...

    The remastered commentary was super fun and interesting - especially because of how it shed light/info on the original game.
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    jp's The Making of Karateka (PC)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Saturday 14 September, 2024

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