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    jp's 007 Quantum of Solace (DS)

    [October 14, 2024 07:21:18 PM]
    Ugh. Ok. This is going on the shelf.

    I got really frustrated at the end of the 3rd mission - you're chasing a rogue agent - all that was fine. But, at the end there's a showdown - you fight and defeat him (health to zero) but then there's "magically" a second stage where he sits behind a barrier and shoots you while goons come out and fight you with punches.

    By this point I had very little ammo left. Fortunately for me I had just enough so that I could shoot him and kill him - but only if I left that for the second stage. Had I ran out of ammo I'd have to punch goons, hope they dropped a briefcase with ammo, equipped it and continued. This would have been a timing nightmare (I do think the game pauses when you're checking the inventory), but still - it's extra awkward because tapping the inventory is a stylus rather than button (thus, a little bit slower).

    So, all of this to say that I saw how this game let me paint myself into a corner - you have to shoot the baddie in the 2nd stage - what if you run out of ammo? Sure, more can appear from punching bad guys - but you have to pick it up in an awkward way all while being shot at. So, not a design I'm particularly impressed by.

    BUT, it gets worse... at least my limited experience indicated it.

    If you kill the baddie - yay, a door pops open. BUT the goons are still there and you need to take them out. AND, they keep on coming have to run to the door. But there's little room to move around and I was already weak. So, I lost a few times despite taking out the big baddie because I thought you had to clear the rest... and they kept on coming and then I died. Eventually I just booked it to the door which I think is what you're supposed to do. But I got there with some, IMO, unfair frustration.
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    [October 13, 2024 09:34:09 PM]
    I guess what's most interesting about this game - from what I played - is how it is almost entirely controlled using the stylus. At this point in the platforms lifecycle I get the sense that game companies where either forced to (or desirous to try out?) to implement mostly stylus-controls. Here's it's stylus all the time except that you can sometimes press a button (or keep it pressed), any button to toggle a state change. For example, to enter shooting mode, and stuff like that.

    The game is also, curiously, played with the DS sideways - book mode?. This results in a taller but narrow screen. It's interesting, and reasonably comfortable, but I felt the camera was pulled in too tight so I was often getting shot at by baddies who were out of camera. Sure, you can look at the radar/map on the other screen, but it's all dots with no facing, so it's only marginally useful (when it comes to combat). The game itself has some interesting ideas, though the controls took too long to get used to for my tastes and things were still rather imprecise and wonky. Interesting ideas (for a Bond game):

    a. This one's interesting, but probably bad. You can pick up different weapons and they have stats - like better aim and damage. So, you need to be careful. I didn't like this too much because, while firing isn't hard - you miss a lot and it's hard to tell if you missed because you were bad at aiming/tapping the stylus or if the gun's stats betrayed you.

    b. Enemies sometimes drop playing cards. They each do something different (bonuses to melee damage, for example) and you can equip five of them at a time. BUT, you get special combo bonuses if you have special poker hands! Pair, two pair, that sort of thing.

    c. Reloading is really annoying - you have to enter inventory and drag a clip over to the gun. It's annoying to do in the middle of combat. An auto-reload might have been the better design choice here?

    d. Melee combat is a special mode, you walk up to an enemy, press the button and then enter melee where you must swipe the screen in different ways to do different punches. Sometimes they'll block - or be ready to block, so you need to be careful. It's a neat system, and is definitely more interesting than just tapping a button. It feels more involved.

    I think the game is also voice acted - by the actors, and there's images from the film. So, it's pretty authentic in that sense. Mostly I'm impressed by how smooth the game runs (for being polygonal 3D and so on) even if the camera often gets in the way - I mean, the level geometry gets in the way of the camera.
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    jp's 007 Quantum of Solace (DS)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Sunday 13 October, 2024

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