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    jp's Prince of Persia: The Fallen King (DS)

    [October 14, 2024 07:12:32 PM]
    Playing this back to back with Quantum of Solace on the DS was interesting - both games lean heavily on the stylus as the only means of interaction (ok the Bond game uses one button). And, they're both different in how they do it. This PoP game mostly has tapping - at least in what I've played so far. Tap and hold is an option too I guess (tap hold to run to a location, just tap to move). (Bond has lots of swiping and holding while moving the stylus). Which is better? It's sort of a "meh" question - depends on the game and implementation, no?

    As a 2D side scrolling puzzle platformer it's a lot easier to control/make sense of the game compared with the 3D sort of isometric view...but, there's still some stuff that seems a bit too hard to do in this game. I'm about 17% of the way through (according to the save file at least) and, to be fair, I've only run into one major moment where I really struggled to make progress because I couldn't get either the timing of the taps or something else in order for me to make a jump. I eventually cleared it, but even as I type this I could not say what it was I was doing wrong and then did right. Perhaps it was just a finicky thing? Was my timing off? I even went back into the tutorial/help screens to see how the different moves were described in order to see if I had misunderstood something. Sadly the info was too sparse for me to figure anything out.

    I'm not sure how much further I'll continue to play - so far the gameplay has gotten a bit deeper and richer, but not THAT much? And there's so many other games left to try out...
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    jp's Prince of Persia: The Fallen King (DS)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Saturday 12 October, 2024

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