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    jp's Cocoon (PC)

    [October 21, 2024 12:14:28 AM]
    I was half expecting not to like it just to be a sort of contrarian. But no, I was wrong and I have enjoyed my time with this game. I think a big part of it is that it seems to move along at a nice pace. I get a bit tired of those puzzle games that have 100 levels and you just start cranking and grinding away and it sort of loses the joy and appeal. Cocoon is different. It's still a puzzle game, and the puzzles are integrated into the games environments and I have no idea what's going on in this weirdly organic yet technological environment. It's all very alien, but in a good curious way rather than a scary creepy one. The world reminded me very much of the animated show Scavengers Reign. There's no voice or things to read, it's all very silent-protagonist. But, the protagonist is sort of like a bug-person so who knows what that should be like.

    Great experience so far, and remarkably simple. I'm impressed by how easy it has been to learn to play the game, and there's only the arrows to move around and the space bar to interact. That's it. And it just seems very intuitive, which is rare and unusual for a puzzle game. Of course things get more complicated as I've picked up new orbs - each with their own rules/special-ness and I'm half expecting everything to get combined and then my brain will melt. But so far, so good.

    There's also action-based bosses! These I'm less appreciative of, though they do bookend moments of progress and although they haven't been easy, I have been able to get past them even if it's taken a handful of attempts. The last one had me "shooting" myself around into a giant creature that's stomping around an arena. At this point I've got 4 orbs (red, green, purple, and white) and we'll see what happens. Are there more? The menu shows I've made good progress so we'll see.
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    jp's Cocoon (PC)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Monday 7 October, 2024

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    1 : Cocoon (PC) by dkirschner (rating: 5)


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